UBUN2 magazine is a bimonthly community based magazine that features innovative diverse  contemporary art from the Africana Diaspora around the Americas. It will be free to club members that sign up and will be advertised to the arts departments on college campuses. The identity is about the  general interest of art collectives of Africana people. 
The product format is an A4 magazine. The audience is young adults ages 18 + who are interested in art collectives. The market will be in college campuses and small communities. 

Special features will include a color scheme with warm analogous colors, sans serif fonts for readability and layout of basic forms that illustrate the elements key to certain art collective or article. The ambiguous shape elements 
Ubuntu is different from other art collective magazines because it gives a voice to artists around the Americas that gives cultural context and how their culture changes around them contemporarily. It will illustrate stories, interviews, and extra specials in fun dynamic layout where the reader will go back to read or look what they skimmed through.
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